Space Craze Double IPA

Like beer?! Space Craze is a double IPA beer concept I created. The idea — a perfect beer to sit out on the balcony with after a long day. Grab your stargazing eyes, sit back, and enjoy Space Craze.


As mentioned above, Space Craze was a beer concept I created one night while stargazing outside on my back deck. I knew I wanted to go with a space themed label, but had no idea where to go from there. I got to work brainstorming names, labels, and everything in between.

The Connection

While working on this in my free time, I had the opportunity to turn this into a 3D project for a college class. The project brief stated a packaging project of our choice from our past was to be brought into Maya, a 3D program, to recreate the packaging, and a background scene to go with it.

The Label

The label itself took a lot of ideation and creativity. While looking around at other space themed examples of IPA cans and bottles, I noticed many lacked a real ‘space’ feel. My goal with this design was to portray the perspective of being on the moon looking down at earth in the distance. With meteors whizzing past, and colorful planets that appear within arms reach, anything is possible with Space Craze.

The 3D Look

As mentioned above, during the time I was designing the beer labels, I was tasked with a 3D project for my college class. Luckily, it had to do with choosing a past packaging project, and creating a 3D model of that product in Maya, as well as a background scene. Perfect timing!

The Idea

The background scene consisted of a desk setup similar to that of a designer or developer. I siutated the desk near the balcony of a house overlooking the city and stars. With LED lights around the desk, and rope lights hanging from the roof above, it’s a perfect scene for Space Craze.

Final Label Photos

Here is a collection of photos to show off the final label design! Overall, I am very happy with how it came out, and would love to one day see this at a local brewery or liquor store.